Whatever your poker level — beginning, intermediate, or expert — you can always improve!In The Kaizen of Poker, Sheree Bykofsky will help you take your game to the next level —
Provides tips for fiction and non-fiction authors on choosing writing topics, researching the market, finding an agent, working with a publisher, generating publicity, and the future of independent an
Who thought organizing your home and office could be fun? 10,001 Ways to Declutter Your Home on a Small Budget is just that and more. With a lively design and inspirational, inexpensive solutions, th
Discover new ways to clean your home and simplify your life in this handy and creative guidebook.Does your house bulge with clutter? Are your possessions weighing you down? Is your home an unorganized
You’re no idiot, of course. You have a reporter’s eye, a poet’s touch, and you absolutely love to write. Stories, journal entries, letters to the editor—you name it, you know you can write it. But whe
The author of How to Prepare Your Manuscript for a Publisher now presents more essential advice for fiction and nonfiction writers. This invaluable reference offers easy access to stratagems and tried