Winner of the Alice Davis Hitchcock Award sponsored by the Society of Architectural HistoriansWinner of the M. Fuat Koprulu Book Prize in Turkish Studies sponsored by the Turkish Studies AssociationWi
Turkey: Modern Architectures in History offers a journey through the iconic buildings of Turkey that begins with the end of World War I, when the new Turkish Republic was born out of the disintegrat
This latest volume of the Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts explores the role of design and decorative arts in the making of modern Turkey, from the late Ottoman Empire to the middle of the tw
The essays in this book are the first attempt to examine the Turkish experiment with modernity from a broad, interdisciplinary perspective, encompassing the fields of history, the social sciences, the
The 14 articles of this year's annual are devoted entirely to the historiography of the art and architectural history of Turkey. The influence of Ataturk and his pervasive promotion of the Turkish nat