“In my first seminary class, we were asked to introduce ourselves and say why we enrolled. I’ll never forget what one student said: ‘My denomination wants me to have an M.Div. degree, but once they
Stop Living Your Life Under, Over, From and For God and Start Living in Communion With Him.Endorsements:Ifwe've grown weary of Christianity, ifwe find most any local churchuninspiring, maybe the probl
Want to see the future? It is brighter than you think.What we believe about tomorrow determines how we live today. As Christians debate how to faithfully engage with our rapidly changing world, our vi
The challenge facing Christianity today is not a lack of motivation or resources, but a failure of imagination.A growing number of people are disturbed by the values exhibited by the contemporary chur
"If you are in a position of positive influence, if you exercise leadership in any way, your faith in God gives you a power—a hidden power—that will allow you to make an enduring difference in the liv
This book explores the narrative of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, and stories of faithful women and men throughout history to show that we were created to be with God and that restoring this
This book explores the narrative of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, and stories of faithful women and men throughout history to show that we were created to be with God and that restoring this