A Year From Today traverses a many-layered urban terrain—social, political, poetic, animal—in a form more raw than a diary, weightier than a series of sketches, more idiosyncratic and implicated than
Stacy Szymaszek's free-range attention is fixed on what is just underfoot and just in the line of sight: the replete objects of homely desire, homely repulsion. Beloved dying dog, worthy work, relatio
Poetry. "EMPTIED OF ALL SHIPS is a setting out onto crucial waters. Each word here has its own weight and position--its own vital movement between poles of loss and discovery. With our sight-lines thu
In hart island, the poet narrator walks and works in the East Village of Manhattan navigating the day to day needs and desires of a community, an organization, a changing neighborhood, as well as her
Poetry. "HYPERGLOSSIA is part anthropology, part anatomy; it is part song and part dissonance. Yet Szymaszek's poetry is always too wily, and too alive with its own pleasures--in short, too w