This is an original junior novel from the world of Star Wars Rebels. Join Zare Leonis as he continues his fight against the Empire from within the Imperial academy. Third book in a four-part series.
This is an original junior novel from the world of Star Wars Rebels. Join Zare Leonis in the final installment of the Servants of the Empire series. Will Zare find his sister and gain a victory over t
This is a brand new activity book based on the tv series. The book is packed full of exciting mazes, codewords, puzzles and many more activities, plus 4 sticker scenes to complete with 100 stickers!
This book offers all new activities based on the original animated series, Star Wars Rebels. You can use your transfers to create epic battle scenes, complete mind-boggling puzzles and design your own
In the exciting new Star Wars Rebels Annual 2016 you will join Ezra, Hera, Kanan, Zeb, Sabine and their grumpy droid, Chopper, as they soar into adventure aboard their custom starship, Ghost. The smal
Based on the Star Wars Rebels television series, this book follows the adventures of Ezra Bridger through a replica of his own journal. In addition, sixteen pages in the end of the journal invite woul
She’s funny, creative and impulsive; an artist with spray paint and advanced weapons. She’s also a 16-year-old girl who happens to be flying around the universe, wreaking havoc on the Imperial army. N