"I have never warmed much to spiders . . . [they] are too creepy . . . Well, I'm wrong and this book has changed my mind. Spiders are tops. . . . One is tempted to think there is no such thing as a du
An exceptionally well-illustrated study of spiders and how they hunt by celebrated nature photographer. Chapters provide information on habitat, hunting techniques, anatomy, general characteristics a
A step-by-step account of how natural creatures and mechanical objects fly traces the evolution of flight, from Carboniferous insects to supersonic aircraft.
Recent experimental progress has enabled cold atomic gases to be studied at nano-kelvin temperatures, creating new states of matter where quantum degeneracy occurs - Bose-Einstein condensates and dege
This survey addresses the use of technology in upper secondary mathematics education from four points of view: theoretical analysis of epistemological and cognitive aspects of activity in new technolo