Objective-C已經成為Mac OS X與iPhone平台上開發應用程式的標準程式語言,這個簡單但強大的物件導向語言是以C為基礎,Objective-C除了可在OS X上使用外,也適用於其他支援gcc編譯器的作業系統,包括Linux,Unix以及Windows。 本書提供初學者一個完整、逐步的Objective-C語言介紹。閱讀本書,不需要先學過C語言或其他物件導向語言,本書包含許多詳細且
Programming in Objective-C is a relatively concise, carefully written tutorial on the basics of Objective-C and object-oriented programming for Apple's iOS and Mac platforms. The book makes no assump
Programming in C, Fourth Edition is a newly revised and updated edition of Steven Kochan's classic C programming tutorial: a book that has helped thousands of students master C over the past 25+ years
Shell Programming in Unix, Linux and OS X (the Fourth Edition of Kochan and Wood's classic Unix Shell Programming tutorial) can help any modern Unix, Linux, or OS X user get more done faster with thei