This manual contains answers and detailed solutions to all the in-chapter Exercises, Concept Checks, and Self-Assessment and Review Questions, plus step-by-step solutions to selected odd-numbered end-
GENERAL CHEMISTRY is better than ever with this eleventh edition. It includes essential updates--such as modern artwork, higher integration with OWLv2, revised end-of-chapter questions, added Cumulati
This guide reinforces the students' understanding of the major concepts, learning objectives, and key terms presented in the text, as well as further develops students' problem-solving skills. Each ch
Each experiment in this manual was selected to match topics in the textbook and includes an introduction, a procedure, a page of pre-lab exercises about the concepts the lab illustrates, and a report
Reflecting Cengage Learning's commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid version features the instructional presentation found in the pr
The tenth edition of this market-leading text has been substantially revised to meet the rapidly changing instructional demands of GENERAL CHEMISTRY professors. Known for its carefully developed, thor
Specially updated to include instant access to OWL, the only online learning system specifically designed to support mastery learning, this ENHANCED NINTH EDITION of GENERAL CHEMISTRY helps readers ma
The Student Solutions Manual provides worked-out solutions to all in-chapter exercises, as well as detailed, step-by-step solutions to odd-numbered practice problems, general problems, and cumulative-