Growth, Decline, and Regeneration in Large Cities sheds light on why some cities prosper, others implode, and still others are able to reverse their downward trajectories. The book focuses on fou
Growth, Decline, and Regeneration in Large Cities sheds light on why some cities prosper, others implode, and still others are able to reverse their downward trajectories. The book focuses on fou
This book explores contemporary and historical examples of bureaucratic discretion to describe a continuum of resistance to authoritative directives by hierarchical superiors. Resistance ranges from b
This book is a guide to public sector ethics covering the major obstacles and stigmas within the field. For example, the ethics and rules of behavior will differ greatly in an elementary classroom ver
Collaboration can be a painful process, especially between authors of different disciplines. This book is an outgrowth of discussions between a Political Scientist and Economists at the School of Urba
Taking a policy areas approach, this text brings American public policy to life through stimulating case studies, contemporary controversies, and thought-provoking opening vignettes. The authors focu