The stereotypical poker game features a group of men clustered around a table in a dark, smoky, tension-filled room. In reality, though the games can be tense there is no such thing as a typical poker
Windows Vista can be extremely frustrating at times. Often, it will simply refuse to do simple tasks, or do things that it wasn’t asked to do. Windows Vista Tips and Tricks in Easy Steps takes
More and more senior citizens are exploring the exciting opportunities that computers present. Unfortunately, along with the joys come the headaches: baffling error messages, a computer or program th
In this guide, readers will find the tricks and techniques essential to mastering Windows 7, avoiding frustration, and optimizing computer performance. This straightforward reference addresses all of
Pre-built systems are often a compromise between what the manufacturers want to sell you and what you want to buy. One solution is to build it yourself. Acquiring a copy of Building a PC in Easy Steps
Prebuilt computer systems are often a compromise between what manufacturers want to sell and what consumers want to buy. For those who are looking for something more than the standard PC, one solutio
You’ve mastered the basics of Windows 8 but now you’re keen to find out more about what Microsoft’s latest operating system can do and how you can use it in a quicker and more efficient way. Windows 8
This guide, now in its second edition, shows how to replace components or add new ones to any PC. Simple, illustrated instructions and colorful sidebars describe how to identify, locate, and install
Arduino in Easy Steps begins with an explanation of what Arduino is: an ecosystem that includes a small electronic board, a free software application used to program the board, and an online community
Designed for a range of hardware, from lightweight laptops to powerful desktops with high-definition screens, Windows 8 gives users the option of switching between multi-touch display capabilities and