★Grammar Sense 系列共有三冊,依照學習者的程度分為初級、中級及高級。有別於傳統文法教材的教授方法,本教材融入「溝通式教學法」精神,以學習者為中心,設計大量「聽說讀寫」練習單元,讓學習者能立即演練文法要點,強化讀者使用能力。 ★每冊教材包括20多個單元,每單元依照學習步驟分為「Grammar in Discourse」、「Form」、「Meaning and Use」及「Review」
Grammar Sense is based on the authentic use of English grammar in discourse. Grammar Sense recognizes that knowing how and when to use a structure is as important as knowing how to form it.
- Provides additional practice to supplement the "Student Book- Features a variety of exercise types and is ideal for homework or independent study- Includes review sections that can be used as achiev
- Provides additional practice to supplement the "Student Book- Features a variety of exercise types and is ideal for homework or independent study- Includes review sections that can be used as achiev
- Provides additional practice to supplement the "Student Book- Features a variety of exercise types and is ideal for homework or independent study- Includes review sections that can be used as achiev
Grammar Sense is based on the authentic use of English grammar in discourse. Grammar Sense recognizes that knowing how and when to use a structure is as important as knowing how to form it.
- Provides additional practice to supplement the "Student Book- Features a variety of exercise types and is ideal for homework or independent study- Includes review sections that can be used as achiev