With the 10-HOUR SERIES books from South-Western Educational Publishing, users can become proficient in a variety of skills in only a short amount of time. These books are ideal for incorporating a n
DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA, 2E prepares students for the workplace by teaching them to use business-standard software applications to complete projects and solve problems. The non-software-specific approach g
This in-depth study of the paintings of Willem de Kooning (1904–1997) from the 1940s through the 1970s breaks new ground in its analysis of the artist’s working methods and yields new information abou
MULTIMEDIA AND IMAGE MANAGEMENT prepares students for a business world in which they will be expected to use business-standard software applications and to complete projects and solve problems. The a
DIGITAL MEDIA, CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS, 3E prepares students for the workplace by teaching them to use business-standard software applications to complete projects and solve problems. The non-softwa
Doubtful and dangerous examines the pivotal influence of the succession question on the politics, religion and culture of the post-Armada years of Queen Elizabeth's reign. Although the earlier Elizabe