For every Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) managing a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition network within the dust-free confines of a Network Operating Center, there is a non-MCSE admin m
"Massive Tornado Hits Moore, OK. Mercy Hospital Destroyed in Joplin, MO Tornado. Powerful Earthquake Triggers Tsunami in Pacific. Super Storm Sandy Wipes Out New Jersey Boardwalk. Hurricane Katrina Ma
Healthcare IT is a complex and rapidly evolving field. Success in this arena requires the ability to create a vision, set a strategy, foster collaboration, develop a plan and execute flawlessly every
This book is written with the IT professional in mind. It provides a clear, concise system for managing IT projects, regardless of the size or complexity of the project. It avoids the jargon and compl
Over 95% of computers around the world are running at least one Microsoft product. Microsoft Windows Software Update Service is designed to provide patches and updates to every one of these computers.
The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a reflection of the way your organization conducts business. If you’re looking to make lasting improvements in the delivery of care, you must start with looking a