Arthur is a university professor of archaeology and anthropology. For years, he has been trying to write the perfect book about ancient cultures. But no matter how hard he tries, he can’t write a book
從三千年前的古埃及,到中世紀南美洲的印加文明,世界文化的演進不受時空的限制,越是深入了解就越能感受驚喜。本書作者 Tina Gionis 憑藉自身豐富的旅遊經驗與背景知識,以極具想像力的方式為讀者呈現每一個時代、每一區文明的獨特發展與貢獻。全書選取世界各地二十四項文明進展,諸如埃及、希臘、印加、馬雅等古文化,以及亞歷山大大帝、孔子等偉人的思想貢獻,皆是內容引人入勝之處。文章涵蓋範圍廣泛,包括藝術建
Reading is one of the most important language skills. It can help you understand more and learn more. It can also become a fulfilling hobby. Reading is an essential part of your study of the English l
老是用「How are you?」問候老外嗎?買了一堆英文口語書,卻好像很難派得上用場?本書特別採用中文索引的編排方式,按中文筆畫順序編排,便能查到英文說法,讓你迅速找到「這句中文,原來是這麼說的!」《中文超短句 英文怎麼說?》收集了美國人最常使用的慣用口語近一千六百條,內容豐富,用語生動,超實用!超好用!超便利!*打破以往的編排方式,以中文字首作為索引,能正確快速地尋找!*短句皆搭配情境對話,加
本書是Success With Reading 3的修訂三版,內文文章與習題都經過修正。Reading is one of the most important language skills. It can help you understand more and learn more. It can also become a fulfilling hobby. Reading is an e