Unicorns are back and even bigger jerks than everThe coloring book that exposed the cold, hard, sparkly truth is back, this time with more shocking truths about unicorns. With twenty-seven new colorin
All your favorite fantastical creatures, together at last!Unicorns think they're so great because they're all mysterious and magical, but they can be real jerks sometimes.Dinosaurs work hard for a liv
Dinosaurs work hard for a living, and their efforts deserve to be recognized. This coloring book features 20 examples of the dinosaur driving instructors, dog groomers, astronauts, tech support specia
Mermaids might seem to have it all, with their shiny tails and fancy seashell castles, but life under the sea is full of difficulties. This coloring book features twenty examples of the most pressing
There's a whole universe of body types out there, and they all deserve to be represented. This coloring book features eighteen fat scifi heroines doing what they do best: trekking across the time and
The apocalypse has dawned—and this fun-filled book is the perfect diversion as you await the zombie attack. Color in a picture to reveal an “inspirational” message. Solve a crossword about what’s in J
Unicorns think they're so great because they're all mysterious and magical, but they can be real jerks sometimes. This coloring book features eighteen examples of unicorns texting in theaters, farting