States of Grace: Counterstories of a Black Woman in the Academy recognizes, acknowledges, and centers race and gender through the embodiment of Black womanhood in the academy in the context of grace.
States of Grace: Counterstories of a Black Woman in the Academy recognizes, acknowledges, and centers race and gender through the embodiment of Black womanhood in the academy in the context of grace.
This book gives voice to the experiences of women of color--women of African, Native American, Latina, East Indian, Korean and Japanese descent--as students pursuing terminal degrees and as faculty me
Presenting analytical essays as well as first-hand accounts written by educators who have encountered issues pertaining to race, this compendium illuminates ongoing dilemmas and inequalities in 17 con
This book won the 2014 AESA (American Educational Studies Association) Critics Choice Award. We are living, learning, and teaching by questioning how to address race in a society that consistently pr
This book is a collection of empirical scholarship on curriculum connected to the Latinx diaspora from three perspectives: curriculum as content/subject matter; curriculum for schools’ goals, ob