a Kempis Thomas/ Romolo Sbrocchi (INT)/ Matthew J. O'Connell (TRN)
Charles W. Eliot (EDT)/ a Kempis Thomas/ E. B. Pusey (TRN)
James Watkins/ a Kempis Thomas
Saint Augustine Bishop of Hippo/ Catherine of Siena/ a Kempis Thomas
Thomas A Kempis;Darnell, Tony
Thomas A. Kempis/ John Schroeter
William Griffin/ William Griffin (EDT)/ a Kempis Thomas
a Kempis Thomas (EDT)/ Richard Whitford (EDT)/ Harold C. Gardiner (EDT)
a Kempis Thomas/ Aloysius Croft (EDT)/ Harold Bolton (EDT)/ Thomas (EDT)
a Kempis Thomas/ Caroline Myss (FRW)/ John Kirvan (EDT)