More than a century after his death in 1881, Fyodor Dostoevsky continues to fascinate readers and reviewers. Countless studies of his writing have been published—more than a dozen in the past few year
Fyodor Dostoevsky’s first novel, Netochka Nezvanova, written in 1849, remains the least studied and understood of the writer’s long fiction, but it was a seedbed for many topics and themes that became
In this second volume of his major work on Ivan Bunin, the neglected master of Russian letters, Thomas Marullo recreates the writer's life in exile, chiefly in Paris, after escaping from his newly bol
Here is Bunin's great anti-Bolshevik diary of the Russian Revolution, translated into English for the first time. Cursed Days is a chilling account of the last days of the Russian master in his homela
This landmark collection of short works forms a vivid documentary of life in midnineteenth-century St. Petersburg. Editor Nikolai Nekrasov was the most influential literary entrepreneur of the day, an
In About Chekhov Ivan Bunin sought to free the writer from limiting political, social, and aesthetic assessments of his life and work, and to present both in a more genuine, insightful, and personal w
Writing seven years after the 1904 death of Anton Chekhov, Maria, the sister of the renowned Russian short story writer and playwright, recommended Chekhov's friend and Russia's first Nobel Laureate f