Linus Pauling was the most important chemist, and arguably the most important American scientist, of the 20th century. From his description of the chemical bond to his discovery of the cause of sickl
The Nazis discovered it. The Allies won the war with it. It conquered diseases, changed laws, and single-handedly launched the era of antibiotics. This incredible discovery was sulfa, the first antibi
Behind every landmark drug is a story. It could be an oddball researcher’s genius insight, a catalyzing moment in geopolitical history, a new breakthrough technology, or an unexpected but welcom
This is the story of the two enormously gifted, fatally flawed men: the brilliant, self-important Fritz Haber and the reclusive, alcoholic Carl Bosch. Together they discovered a way to make bread out
Tragic genius, cutting-edge science, and the discovery that changed billions of lives–including your own.At the dawn of the twentieth century, humanity was facing global disaster: Mass starvation was
A sweeping history of tragic genius, cutting-edge science, and the discovery that changed billions of lives—including your own.At the dawn of the 20th century, humanity was facing global disaster. Mas
This book is a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary collection of essays by some of today’s most forward-thinking scholars. The contributors explore the ways in which the prefix «trans» erupts German ident