Thomas Stern (EDT)/ Franz Rauch (EDT)/ Angela Schuster (EDT)/ Andrew Townsend (EDT)
Elinor Ostrom (EDT)/ Thomas Dietz (EDT)/ Nives Dolsak (EDT)/ Paul C. Stern (EDT)/ Susan Stonich (EDT)/ Elke U. Weber (EDT)
Elsner, Anna,Stern, Thomas
Ike Kligerman Barkley Architects (COR)/ Marc Kristal (COL)/ Robert A. M. Stern (FRW)/ John Ilke (INT)/ Thomas Kligerman (INT)
Kurt Busiek/ Roger Stern/ Roy Thomas/ Steve Englehart/ Manuel Garcia (ILT)
Peter David/ Roger Stern/ Roy Thomas/ Dale Keown (ILT)/ Ron Lim (ILT)
Robert A. M. Stern/ David Fishman/ Thomas Mellins
Robert A. M. Stern/ Thomas Mellins/ David Fishman
Roger Stern/ Bob Harras/ Roy Thomas/ Bob Hall (CON)
Roger Stern/ Bob Harras/ Roy Thomas/ Bob Hall (ILT)/ Luke McDonnell (ILT)
Stan Lee/ Roy Thomas/ Jim Shooter/ Roger Stern/ Jack Kirby (ILT)
Stan Lee/ Roy Thomas/ Roger Stern/ Len Wein/ John Buscema (ILT)
Stan Lee/ Roy Thomas/ Roger Stern/ Steve Englehart/ Jack Kirby (ILT)
Stan Lee/ Tom DeFalco/ Roy Thomas/ Roger Stern/ John Romita (ILT)
Thomas Dietz (EDT)/ Paul C. Stern (EDT)
Thomas Dietz/ Paul C. Stern (EDT)/ Thomas Dietz (EDT)/ Paul C. Stern/ National Research Council (U. S.) Committee on the Human Dimensions of (COR)