Books like StrengthsFinder 2.0 have helped leaders discover their strengths—but they stop there. The Sindells argue that focusing only on your best abilities neglects a vital development opportunity.
MAKE YOUR JOB WORK FOR YOU?In today's often-challenging job market, many of us want to feel more engaged with our current jobs rather than try to find the "perfect" position. Veteran leadership consul
Does your boss ignore you?Is your career going nowhere?Are you just going through the motions? If so, you need a trip to the Job Spa. Inside, authors Milo Sindell and ThuySindell detail an easy-to-ma
Many people assume they should focus their efforts on improving their weaknesses, but the Sindells say that this takes too much time and effort. The Sindells argue that focusing only on your best abil
Many people assume they should focus their efforts on improving their weaknesses, but the Sindells say that this takes too much time and effort. The Sindells argue that focusing only on your best abil