All men are tempted to compromise. But not all men do. Some have learned the secret of being undivided between what they believe and how they actually think and live. They possess integrity. They’ve g
God’s Word is clear about the importance of godly friendships–and how God designs them to complete us spiritually. If you ever hope to win the battles you face in your spiritual journey, you must be c
“I’ve worked hard to get where I am. I’ve overcome great obstacles. I’ve earned it.” No one had a greater right to say those statements more than King David. He rose from the fields of Palestine to th
Take up a new calling. Walk a new path. And experience life’s greatest adventure.Will you discover your true reason for living, enter the battle, and become a new man in Christ? Or will you settle for
More than ever, families are desperate for spiritual leadership. And that starts with you, the husband and father. Are you equipped and ready to assume the role and responsibility God has for you? Bei
If you think God’s values and the world’s values can co-exist, think again.You have to live in this world. But if you want to be God’s man, there’s a catch: You can’t be absorbed or influenced by the
How to be God’s man in relationship with a woman.Few men would ever embark on an important project, a significant career change, or a major athletic challenge without gathering all the tactical knowle
You’ve already been set free by Christ.When are you going to start experiencing that freedom?What does it look like when a man lives out a truly authentic, loving walk with Jesus Christ? It looks like
How satisfied are you with your life? Men like you are finding it tougher than ever to be content with what they have. They compare themselves with others and continually come up short. The soul-gnawi
How to maintain your godly boundaries even under pressure.When you’re faced with an imminent threat, your body releases adrenaline. Your heart beats faster. Your muscles tense, and all your senses swi
David was to be the future king of Israel. And yet, as you’ll see firsthand in this compelling Bible study, the journey to that goal was filled with dangers, delays, and difficulties. Just like David,
You may be single by choice or circumstance. You may plan to marry and have a family, or you may sense a call to lifelong singleness. Even so, your situation is God’s will for you now. What will you d