Contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the odd-numbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer.
Intended for the one- or two-semester course required of Education majors, MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS, 5E, offers future teachers a comprehensive mathematics course designed to foster
This manual contains open-ended activities for the student to practice and apply the knowledge they learn from the main text. When students begin teaching, they can use the activities as models in the
This manual contains open-ended activities for students to practice and apply the knowledge learned from the main text. When students begin teaching, they can use the activities as models in their own
Intended for the one- or two-semester course required of Education majors, MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS, E offers future teachers a comprehensive mathematics course designed to foster co
MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS, 7th Edition, helps students develop a deep understanding of the math they will be teaching as elementary school teachers. Examples, investigations, and expl
Mindful Teaching and Learning: Developing a Pedagogy of Well-Being features a community of scholar-practitioners from across disciplines, methodologies, and ideological perspectives exploring and exam