D-Frag! is an ongoing shonen manga series that parodies high school clubs, nerd culture, and the slice-of-life genre in a side-splittingly hilarious storyline.Kazama Kenji thinks he's a delinquent. He
The outrageous manga parody of the high school club genre continues! Kazama Kenji thinks he’s a delinquent. He’s got the look, the style and the attitude to match—he even has a second-rate entourage o
For fans of Haganai: I Don’t Have Many Friends comes an all-new manga sensation D-Frag! is a new ongoing manga series that parodies high school clubs, nerd culture, and the slice-of-life genre in a si
The outrageous manga parody of the high school club genre continues!Kazama Kenji thinks he's a delinquent. He's got the look, the style and the attitude to match-he even has a second-rate entourage of
The outrageous manga parody of the high school club genre continues!Kazama Kenji thinks he's a delinquent. He's got the look, the style and the attitude to match-he even has a second-rate entourage of
The outrageous manga parody of the high school club genre continues! Kazama Kenji thinks he's a delinquent. He's got the look, the style and the attitude to match--he even has a second-rate entourage
Kazama Kenji thinks he's a delinquent. He's got the look, the style and the attitude to match-he even has a second-rate entourage of sorts. Deep down, however, Kazama is a good-hearted kid who finds h
The outrageous manga parody of the high school club genre continues!Kazama Kenji thinks he's a delinquent. He's got the look, the style and the attitude to match-he even has a second-rate entourage of
The outrageous manga parody of the high school club genre continues!Kazama Kenji thinks he's a delinquent. He's got the look, the style and the attitude to match-he even has a second-rate entourage of
D-Frag! is a new ongoing manga series that parodies high school clubs, nerd culture, and the slice-of-life genre in a side-splittingly hilarious storyline. For fans of manga series about otaku-centric
The outrageous manga parody of the high school club genre continues! Kazama Kenji thinks he's a delinquent. He's got the look, the style and the attitude to match--he even has a second-rate entourage
Kazama Kenji thinks he's a delinquent. He's got the look, the style and the attitude to match-he even has a second-rate entourage of sorts. Deep down, however, Kazama is a good-hearted kid who finds h