"Tail-End Charlies" by John Nichol and Tony Rennell is the story of the controversial last battles of Bomber Command through the eyes of the heroic men who fought them. Night after night, they swallow
As WW2 drew to a close, thousands of British and American prisoners of war, held in camps in Nazi-occupied Europe, faced prospect that they would never get home alive. In depths of winter, their guard
In Home Run: Escape From Nazi Europe John Nichol and Tony Rennell tell the incredible true stories of the British soldiers and airmen on the run through Nazi-occupied Europe - in their own words. Thro
Medic: Saving Lives by John Nichol and Tony Rennell is the story of those brave men - and, increasingly in this day and age, women - who go to war armed with bandages not bombs, scalpels not swords, a
Arnhem by John Nichol and Tony Rennell is an absolutely gripping narrative packed with action and heroic tales of courage. 'Riveting ... reveals the ice-cool courage of British troops trapped in the b
Night after night they stifled their fears and flew through flak and packs of enemy fighters to drop the bombs that would demolish the Third Reich. The airmen of the United States 8th Army Air ForceA
Compelling and moving real-life accounts of the impact on family life of the return of the troops at the end of the Second World War.Summer 1945. Britain was in jubilant mood. At last, the war was ove