He came from the stars -- and sixth grade will never be the same! The aliens have finally made contact! But when the first ambassador from another planet arrives, he insists that his son, Pleskit Mee
IT'S A STICKY SITUATION! Pleskit's quest to sample all things earthling -- especially earthling foods -- inevitably leads him to...peanut butter. He adores it. There's only one problem: He has an all
ENDANGERED SPECIES When Percy the Mad Poet assigns Ms. Weintraub's class to write poems about their pets, Pleskit decides he should bring his Veeblax to school. Not a good idea! When the little shap
Is this the end of the Alien Mission? All things must come to an end -- even sixth grade. But not all things end happily, and it looks as if Pleskit Meenom's year as a sixth grade alien is about to e
MY BEST FRIEND IS A ZOMBIE! It's science fair time again, and Tim Tompkins is in trouble. It's only two days until the big event, and he hasn't finished his project. In fact, he hasn't even started
Two Feet of Trouble! Pleskit has always said that he's not necessarily the first alien kid to go to school on Earth. He's just the only one who's doing it openly. Tim discovers the truth of those wo
When the hamsters in Ms. Weintraub's room start acting a little strange, everyone thinks the problem must be the alien vitamins that Pleskit has been feeding them. But even after Pleskit stops the vi
Tim Tomkins has always wanted to visit outer space -- but he didn't plan to go as the captive of a mysterious alien! But that's just what Tim, Pleskit, Maktel, and Linnsy have become -- captives in a
Pleskit, the world's first alien third grader, hopes to use her father's molecule compressor to teach a bully a lesson, but an accident shrinks both the bully and their teacher, with hilarious results
CALLING LOST AND FOUND -- HAVE YOU SEEN MY BRAIN? Some kids lose their homework. Some kids lose their math book, or their sneakers, or their lunch. Pleskit Meenom, first alien kid to go to school on