Sylvie had an amazing life, but she didn't get to live it very often. Sylvie has been a twelve-year-old princess for more than eighty years, ever since the book she lives in was first printed. She's t
An extraordinary journey alongside America’s new generation of Eagle Scouts, who are discovering their purpose and bringing the values of Scouting to the world. Over the past century, Sco
Over the past century, America's Eagle Scouts have earned a reputation for service, virtue, and leadership that is recognized throughout the world. But few people realize the full extent to which Eag
Jessica Wild isn’t big on commitment. But after inheriting millions from Grace, a sweet old lady she met in her grandmother’s nursing home, the situation seems to have changed. To put an end to the ma
The big day is almost here for Jessica Wild. She’s finally engaged to the perfect man–sexy, wonderful Max–and is in the middle of planning the perfect wedding. Nothing, absolutely nothing, stands betw
How to ruin a perfectly good marriage: become an Ideal Wife!?Married to the man she loves—sweet, sexy Max—Jessica Wild-Wainwright is blissfully happy . . . except for one tiny little problem: She neve
The body is a poem we are writing with every breath, says Townley, who in her dual life has taught yoga for decades. Albert Goldbarth calls Rewriting the Body “affectingly emotional even as it&r
At the mid point of three towns, in the center of three streams, in the heart of a forest, lies a mysterious island. Encircled by quicksand and sewn shut by vines, it is impenetrable to all but the po
How do you avenge -- or forgive -- your own murder four hundred years after it happened? Prompted by recurrent dreams, sixteen-year-old Dana Landgrave uncovers an ancient crime that has drawn the sa
When in Rome, do as Audrey Hepburn would do. Failing that, run off with your ex-boyfriend, carry suspicious packages through customs, and lie to the person who loves you. . . .Georgie Beauchamp is tot
WHAT’S ONE LITTLE WHITE LIE?Okay, so it isn’t that little. It’s kind of a whopper. It’s just that when Natalie Raglan ups and quits her job at a Bath advertising firm, breaks up with her loser-ish boy