This is the first full-scale biography of Karl Brandt, one of the most powerful figures of the Third Reich. It tells the story of his rise to power and influence at the heart of Hitler's coterie of tr
There have long been allegations that many servicemen had been duped into taking part in trials with toxic agents at top-secret Allied research facilities. In Britain, a whole army of over 21,000 sold
Traces the history of the Nuremberg Doctors' Trial held in 1946-47, through the eyes of the Austrian emigre psychiatrist, Leo Alexander. This book provides an insight into the origins of human rights
Justice at Nuremberg traces the history of the Nuremberg Doctors' Trial held in 1946-47, as seen through the eyes of the Austrian bliogémigrbliogé psychiatrist Leo Alexander. His
Despite having been revised and criticised over the years, the Declaration of Helsinki remains one of the most important and internationally known ethics codes worldwide. Yet we know relatively little