As one of the poorest countries in the world, Somalia continues to struggle due to a weak government, committed insurgency, and a dysfunctional counterinsurgency strategy. The international community,
The purpose of this book was to obtain a historically rooted understanding of the development, application, and adaptation of the British COIN approach—one from which the US has borrowed heavily. It f
This thesis examines the generalship, leadership, and operational art of General James N. Mattis, US Marine Corps by using Task Force 58 in Afghanistan as a formative base and then comparing elements
This study investigates the methods by which President John F. Kennedy arrived atdecisions to deploy the military in the conduct of foreign policy. Specifically, the events covered are the Bay of Pigs
This study examines the potential for international crisis or conflict in the Arctic region in the near future due to geographic changes resulting from climate change. The study further examines the o
Following the disputed 2009 Iranian Presidential elections, the Green Movement demonstrated reformist insurgency potential. Capable movement leadership mobilized resistance groups, tempered participan
When the 24th Infantry Division deployed to Korea in July 1950 it experienced a series of defeats from 5-20 July in an attempt to delay the invading North Korean People's Army (NKPA). The division suf