Chris (Chrome Harrelson Chrome Principal Software Engineer),Pavel (Assistant Professor Panchekha Assistant Professor University of Utah)
Christison, MaryAnn (University of Utah, USA),Crandall, JoAnn (Jodi) (University of Maryland, USA),Christian, Donna (Center for Applied Linguistics, USA)
Josephson, Sheree (Sheree Josephson Is a Presidential Distinguished Professor of Communication at Weber State University in Ogden Utah),Kelly, James (James D Kelly Is the Director of Journalism at In
MaryAnn (University of Utah Christison USA),Denise E. (Emerita Murray Macquarie University Australia and Emerita San Jose State University USA)
Michael P. (Professor Twohig Professor Department of Psychology Utah State University),Douglas Woods (Marquette University)
Pierre (Department of Physics and Astronomy Sokolsky The University of Utah),Gordon (Department of Physics and Astronomy Thomson The University of Utah)
Rachel (Georgetown University Barr Washington DC),Heather (University of Wisconsin Kirkorian Madison),Sarah (Brigham Young University Coyne Utah),Jenny Radesky (University of Michigan)
Hinduism: The Essential Readings is a compact but comprehensive collection of readings spanning the entire history of Hinduism, including both classic texts and non-traditional voices. No reader on th