Some of the most serious problems involved with interpreting John are due to the complex history of the Gospel's composition. While many scholars overlook the various inconsistencies and conflicting
This radically new, three-volume commentary by Urban von Wahlde on the Gospel and Letters of John is the most detailed study of the composition of the Johannine literature ever put forth by an America
This radically new, three-volume commentary by Urban von Wahlde on the Gospel and Letters of John is the most detailed study of the composition of the Johannine literature ever put forth in English.Ma
This Radically New, Three-Volume Commentary by Urban C. von Wahlde on the Gospel and Letters of John is the most detailed study of the composition of the Johannine literature ever put forth by an Amer
In this book von Wahlde provides an exploration of three distinct cultural and religious backgrounds against which scholars have frequently proposed that the Gospel and Letters of John are to be read