Adalbert De Vogue (EDT)/ Kim Vivian (TRN)/ Jeffrey Burton Russell (TRN)/ Charles Cummings (TRN)/ Terrence Kardong (INT)/ Tim Vivian (TRN)/ Kim Vivian (EDT)/ Jeffrey Burton Russell (EDT)
Hartmann/ Hartmann Von Aue/ Frank J. Tobin/ Kim Vivian/ Richard H. Lawson
At long last a new, readable history of German literature. Each epochof German literature is treated against its historical and sociologicalbackdrop by experts in the literature of that period. Vivian
All the lotions, potions, and skin-tightening masks in the world won’t accomplish what a daily dose of collagen may do. And now that collagen is easier than ever to find and use, in powdered and liqui
Around the year 435 'just before the time of Saint Benedict 'a middle-aged man named Romanus felt drawn to the solitary life. Leaving his family, he entered the dense forests of the rugged Jura Mounta
Hartmann von Aue (c. 1170–1215) is universally recognized as the first medieval German poet to create world-class literature. He crafted German into a language of refined literary expression that pave