迪士尼電影《大夢想家》(Saving Mr. Banks)---改編自本書,描述當年迪士尼先生如何成功地將家喻戶曉的經典作品《歡樂滿人間》推上大螢幕的辛苦過程。男主角湯姆·漢克與女主角艾瑪·湯普遜的精湛演技,獲得許多好評,尤其是女主角能將此一不討喜的角色詮釋得讓人喜愛。 小說的主角崔佛斯女士不同意迪士尼先生將她的作品"Mary Poppins"《歡樂滿人間》拍成電影,歷經長達20年的斡旋,迪士尼抱
The story of Mary Poppins, the quintessentially English and utterly magical children's nanny, is remarkable enough. She flew into the lives of the unsuspecting Banks family in a children's book that w
The only comprehensive biography of P.L. Travers—the fascinating woman who created Mary Poppins, the events in this book inspired Disney’s movie Saving Mr. Banks, starring Emma Thompson and Tom Hanks.