資料準備、模型建構與MLOps常見挑戰的解決方案 「本書提供了豐富的範例,如果你是資料科學家或ML工程師,而且想要了解如何使用行之有效的解決方案來處理複雜的ML問題,你一定要看這本書。」 ―David Kanter ML Commons執行長 「如果你想在建構ML解決方案的過程中減少傷害、碰撞和磨擦,Lak、Sara和Michael可以在背後支持你。」 ―Will Grannis Google C
The ability to create automated algorithms to process gridded spatial data is increasingly important as remotely sensed datasets increase in volume and frequency. Whether in business, social science,
This book presents innovative work in Climate Informatics, a new field that reflects the application of data mining methods to climate science, and shows where this new and fast growing field is heade