Martin Katahn (Vanderbilt University)
;Erford, Bradley T. (Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA)
;Ledford, Jennifer R. (Vanderbilt University, USA),Gast, David L. (University of Georgia, USA)
Barbara S. (Vanderbilt University Stengel USA)
Carroll, Katherine (Vanderbilt University),Hickman, William B.
Christopher (Vanderbilt University Slobogin Tennessee)
Douglas A. Bernstein (University of South Florida),Bethany A. Teachman (University of Virginia),Bunmi O. Olatunji (Vanderbilt University),Andres De Los Reyes (University of Maryland),Scott O. Lilienfe
Elizabeth M. (Vanderbilt University Cizmar USA)
Erford, Bradley T. (Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA)
Ilana (Vanderbilt University Horn USA),Brette (University of Denver Garner USA)
Jennifer M. (Vanderbilt University Larson Tennessee)
Joerg Rieger Vanderbilt University,Terra Rowe
Mark A. (Vanderbilt University Cohen USA)
Owen D. (Professor of Law and Biological Sciences Jones Professor of Law and Biological Sciences Vanderbilt University),Jeffrey D. (Professor of Psychology Schall Professor of Psychology Vanderbilt Un
Peter (Vanderbilt University Lake Tennessee)
Peter (Vanderbilt University Lorge Tennessee)
Richard (Vanderbilt University King USA)
Robert F Barsky (Vanderbilt University)
Scott (Vanderbilt University Aikin USA),Dr John (Northeastern Illinois University Casey USA)
Sinatra, Stephen T., M.D. (University of Connecticut School of Medicine),Houston, Mark C. (Vanderbilt Medical School and The Hypertension Institute of Nashville)