Vincenzo Berghella M.D. (EDT)
Berghella, Vincenzo (Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA)
Edited by Vincenzo Berghella
Joseph J. Apuzzio (EDT)/ Anthony M. Vintzileos (EDT)/ Vincenzo Berghella (EDT)/ Jesus R. Alvarez-perez (EDT)
Mark B Landon MD,Henry L Galan MD,Eric R. M. Jauniaux,Deborah A Driscoll MD Dr.,Vincenzo Berghella,William A Grobman MD MBA,Sarah J Kilpatrick MD PhD Dr.,Alison G Cahill MD MSCI Dr.
Moshe Hod (EDT)/ Vincenzo Berghella (EDT)/ Mary D'Alton (EDT)/ Gian Carlo Di Renzo (EDT)/ Eduard Gratacos (EDT)
Vincenzo Berghella (Professor and Chair Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pennsylvania)
Vincenzo Berghella/ Gabrielle Daccone/ Tullio Ghi/ Amanda Roman