Alice Miller/ Ruth Ward (TRN)
James W. Osterburg/ Richard H. Ward/ Larry Miller
/rew E G Jonas/ Byron Miller/ Kevin Ward/ David Wilson
Andrew Schneider/ Ward Miller/ Jacob Kaplan/ Daniel Pogorzelski/ Edward Kantowicz (INT)
Charles Willson Peale/ Sidney Hart (EDT)/ David C. Ward (EDT)/ Lillian B. Miller (EDT)
Graham Miller/ Louise Twining-Ward
Jack Ward Thomas/ Char Miller (FRW)/ Julie Tripp (CRT)
James J. Ward (EDT)/ Cynthia J. Miller (EDT)
Korina Miller/ Kate Armstrong / Alexis Averbuck /Carolyn Bain/ Michael S Clark / Anita Isalska/ Anna Kaminski/Greg Ward / Richard Waters
Paul Davidson/ Bobby Miller/ Turner Sharp/ Charlie Walbridge/ Ward Eister/ Dirk Davidson
R. Ward Bissell/ Andria Derstine/ Dwight Miller
William Miller/ Rosa Parks (INT)/ John Ward (ILT)
;Thompson, Stephen R. (Orthopaedic Surgical Specialist, Eastern Maine Medicine Center, Bangor, Maine),Miller, Mark D. (S. Ward Casscells Professor, Division of Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopaed