French Fiction Today focuses on the French novel in the twenty-first century, examining a series of works that are exemplary of broader currents in the genre. Each of these texts wagers insistently up
Mirror Gazing is a book about reading and looking, about what people seek when they read, and about what stares back at them from the printed page. In one sense, it's an archival project, based on a w
By no means does French fiction have to rest on its laurels. New authors with new ideas abound, and many reflect a France that is culturally diverse and intellectually vigorous. Motte (no affiliation
Small Worlds examines the minimalist trend in French writing, from the early 1980s to the present. Warren Motte first considers the practice of minimalism in other media, such as the plastic arts and
An anthology of writing by members of the group known as Oulipo, among them Italo Calvino, Harry Mathews, Georges Perec, Jacques Roubaud, and Raymond Queneau. They reject inspiration, experience, self
Readers of the contemporary novel in France are witnessing the most astonishing reinvigoration of narrative prose since the New Novel of the 1950s. In the last few years, bold, innovative, and richly
The president of the Republican Council, wanting to "do something big," proposes building a 1,500-meter-high mountain as a monument to the nation's greatness. Employing political double-talk at its w
Literary Nonfiction. Essays. In EXPERIMENTAL LITERATURE: A COLLECTION OF STATEMENTS thirty-four writers and critics reflect upon how literature puts itself to the test in an effort to make itself new.
The Review of Contemporary Fiction was founded in 1981 to promote a vision of literary culturethat is not limited to the immediately popular, and to ensure that important world writers outside popula