Did you ever Google “pregnancy after 35” or “getting pregnant at 40” for helpful advice and inspiration on your way to motherhood? Did your excitement and hope turn into disbelief and shock when your
Newton presents a portrait of the county seat of Sussex County, New Jersey during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. With over 185 photographs, postcards, and other graphic images, we see Newton
The next generation hungers for strong, visionary, ethical and passionate leaders. Where do we start in this day where we lack leadership at all levels? The authors of this breakout book contend that
Inner-city pastor Wayne Gordon and Civil Rights legend John M. Perkins help readers understand our current racial crisis, offering them practical, real-world strategies so they can be part of the solu
Already with decades of experience speaking prophetically into the charged racial climate of the American south, John Perkins began to see a need for organized thinking and collaborative imagination a
Can the morality of a nation really be judged by how it treats its prisoners? The United States has more people in prison than any other nation, and the nature of the American correctional system cont
Something is wrong in our society. Deeply wrong. The belief that all lives matter is at the heart of our founding documents - but we must admit that this conviction has never truly reflected reality i