Stephen M. Kosslyn/ William L. Thompson/ Giorgio Ganis
William Thompson,Mica (Texas A&M University Commerce Thompson USA)
Eric Voegelin/ David L. Morse (EDT)/ William M. Thompson (EDT)
Eric Voegelin/ David L. Morse (EDT)/ William M. Thompson (EDT)/ David L. Morse (INT)/ William M. Thompson (INT)
K. M. Kostyal/ John M. Thompson/ William R. Gray
Ralph M. Feather Jr./ Charles William McLaughlin/ Marilyn Thompson
William M. Thompson (EDT)/ Lowell M. Glendon (TRN)
;Yang, Xiangdong William, M.D., Ph.D. (University of California, Los Angeles),Heiman, Myriam, PhD (Picower Institute for Learning and Memory),Thompson, Leslie M., Ph.D. (University of California, Irvi