Gain a solid understanding of individual and corporate taxation using the book that pioneered an unforgettable, clear and engaging approach to tax law more than 25 years ago. The ground-breaking Pratt
For over 20 years the Pratt & Kulsrud Taxation series has provided educators, students, and professionals alike with an engaging and clear presentation and examples of tax law. The series has cons
For more than 25 years, the Pratt & Kulsrud Taxation series has provided educators, students and professionals an engaging and clear presentation of tax law. In 1984, the series began with Federal
Multistate Tax Guide to Pass-Through Entities is an authoritative practice-tested reference tool for accountants, attorneys, corporate tax departments, and other practitioners who need accurate, timel
Gain a solid understanding of individual taxation with the unforgettable, clear and engaging presentation that pioneered a new approach to learning tax law more than 25 years ago. Today, this ground-b
For more than 25 years, the Pratt & Kulsrud Taxation series has provided educators, students and professionals an engaging and clear presentation of tax law. In 1984, the series began with Federal