Recent years have seen a series of intense, increasingly acrimonious debates over the status and legitimacy of the natural sciences. These "science wars" take place in the public arena&mdas
Recent years have seen a series of intense, increasingly acrimonious debates over thestatus and legitimacy of the natural sciences. These "science wars" take place in thepublic arena--with current bat
Discourse ethics represents an exciting new development in neo-Kantian moral theory. William Rehg offers an insightful introduction to its complex theorization by its major proponent, Jurgen Habermas,
In Between Facts and Norms Jurgen Habermas works out the legal and politicalimplications of his Theory of Communicative Action (1981), bringing to fruition the projectannounced with his publication of
The essays in this volume reflect on and expand Frankfurt School critical theory as reformulated after World War II by Karl-Otto Apel, Jürgen Habermas, and others. Frankfurt School critical theory sin
Ideals of democratic participation and rational self-government have long informedmodern political theory. As a recent elaboration of these ideals, the concept of deliberativedemocracy is based on the
The essays in this volume reflect on and expand Frankfurt School critical theory as reformulated after World War II by Karl-Otto Apel, Jürgen Habermas, and others. Frankfurt School critical theory sin