In the second edition of this classic monograph, complete with four new chapters and updated references, readers will now have access to content describing and analysing classical and modern methods w
This self-contained monograph presents matrix algorithms and their analysis. The new technique enables not only the solution of linear systems but also the approximation of matrix functions, e.g., the
In this book, the author compares the meaning of stability in different subfields of numerical mathematics.Concept of Stability in numerical mathematics opens by examining the stability of finite algo
C. F. GauS in a letter from Dec. 26, 1823 to Gerling: 3c~ empfe~le 3~nen biegen IDlobu9 aur 9tac~a~mung. ec~werlic~ werben eie ie wieber bi- reet eliminiren, wenigftens nic~t, wenn eie me~r als 2 Unbe
Special numerical techniques are already needed to deal with nxn matrices for large n.Tensor data are of size nxnx...xn=n^d, where n^d exceeds the computer memory by far. They appear for problems of h
This book simultaneously presents the theory and the numerical treatment of elliptic boundary value problems, since an understanding of the theory is necessary for the numerical analysis of the discre
Multi-grid methods are the most efficient tools for solving elliptic boundary value problems. The reader finds here an elementary introduction to multi-grid algorithms as well as a comprehensive conve
In April 2007, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) approved the Priority Program 1324 “Mathematical Methods for Extracting Quantifiable Information from Complex Systems.” This volume presents a