The teenage years are a fascinating time in the life of any family, but what happens when the challenges of parenting teenagers are combined with the desire to help your children build on their multil
The teenage years are a fascinating time in the life of any family, but what happens when the challenges of parenting teenagers are combined with the desire to help your children build on their multil
Drawing on the experiences of parents and interdisciplinary research in multilingual literacy development, Wang (education, Pace U.) presents a guide for parents who wish to raise multilingual childre
Wang (Pace U., New York) and her husband raised two boys to be fluent in her Chinese, his French, and English, and uses the example to demonstrate to other parents and teachers the advantages, methods
This book is for parents who live in a foreign country and intend to raise their children in their own heritage language(s). It offers helpful suggestions for this challenging situation and provides u
Drawing on interdisciplinary research, as well as the experiences of parents of multilingual children, this book walks parents through the multilingual reading and writing process from infancy to adol