Unable to provide an alibi for the night of the Cotton Drifting, Satoshi becomes the prime suspect for the murder of his aunt! As her friend is hauled away by the police, Shion steps forward as a witn
One year after his disappearance, the police are no closer to finding Satoshi or solving his aunt's murder, and Shion is quickly running out of patience. Dressing alternately as "Shion" and "Mion,"
The demon of the Sonozaki family has found fertile soil in Shion's soul, and her fury rages out of control as she targets the last of those who are guilty of paining her beloved Satoshi. But how far
Twins Shion and Mion have Keiichi seeing double. But as he grows closer to Shion, their flirty friendship has Mion seeing red. When Shion and Keiichi trespass on sacred ground the night of the Cotton