Yves Engler continues his groundbreaking analyses of past and present Canadian foreign policy. The author of The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy, and other works that challenge the myth of Canad
The left is supposed to be opposed to colonialism and at least skeptical of nationalism. However, Left, Right shows that, for decades now, this hasn’t been the case in Canada. Yves Engler marsha
The left is supposed to be opposed to colonialism and at least skeptical of nationalism. However, Left, Right shows that, for decades now, this hasn’t been the case in Canada. Yves Engler marsha
A sweeping critique of Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s foreign policy, this book examines his role in backing brutal dictatorships and withdrawing Canadian support for popular democratic move
A?comprehensive study of Canada’s ties to Israel, this investigation criticizes Lester Pearson’s negotiations to create a Jewish state on Palestinian lands after World War II and denounces the tax ded
Based on documents gathered using the Access to Information Act and from human rights investigations and first-hand interviews, this report discloses how Canada, the United States, and France undermi
Focusing on how cities have been torn down and remade based on the needs of the automobile and wars are fought to keep fuel tanks filled, this consideration looks closely at the country’s obsession wi