Counter to the classic theory of ethnic entrepreneurship which applies a homogenous treatment of the role of ethnicity in business ownership resources generated by ethnic social networks, Valdez (soci
The book's central focus explores several "myths" associated with American entrepreneurship: the idea that small business owners are "job creators"; that entreprene
For many entrepreneurs, the American Dream remains only partially fulfilled. Unequal outcomes between the middle and lower classes, men and women, and Latino/as, whites, and blacks highlight continuin
The book provides a corrective to the American Dream ideology that with hard work and a positive attitude, anyone can own a successful business in America.
This anthology of readings reflects the diversity and complexity of racial dynamics in the contemporary United States. Most books on race and ethnic relations are oriented around a "Dominant-Minority"
Intersectionality and Ethnic Entrepreneurship brings together a group of eminent and up-and-coming young scholars who apply an intersectional perspective to the study of ethnic entrepreneurship. Again