First-century Corinth and its challenges were not so different from our own. Upwardly mobile Christians facing radically diverse ethnic, religious, economic and social conditions. The church divided o
As every collector knows, postcards were in the past and are today a means of both promoting one's home town, and of sending a short, to-the-point message to a relative or friend. In this exciting new
Arbogast’s Discovering Physical Geography, 3rd Edition provides a comprehensive suite of animations, simulations, and interactivities that help readers comprehend important Earth processes and provide
Keene has a history as fascinating and diverse as itis long. It has changed a great deal in the last 140years, growing from a small village in the 1850s to the industrial and commercial center of the
Comparative analyses of the anatomy, reproductive physiology, and behaviour of extant primates and other mammals can offer important insights into the origins of human sexual behaviour, allowing us to
This package includes an unbound, loose leaf copy of ISBN 9781118707722 and a registration code for the WileyPLUS Learning Space course associated with the text. Before you purchase, check with your i
Alan Sell explores the lives and ideas of four unjustly neglected Anglican philosophers: W. G. De Burgh (1866-1943); W. R. Matthews (1881-1973); O. C. Quick (1885-1944); H. A. Hodges (1905-1976). Thi
Widely adopted in its highly successful first edition, Discovering Physical Geography won over instructors and students with its conversational writing style combined with vivid photos, graphics, and
The first movie theaters in Cleveland consisted of converted storefronts with sawed-off telephone poles substituting for chairs and bedsheets acting as screens. In 1905, Clevelanders marveled at movin
"Wilt writes... well and offers many sound perceptions." —Choice"... a stimulating book... a timely warning against overindulgence in hindsight in evaluating the great issues of the war
Stories of rape, murder, adultery, and conquest raise crucial issues in the Hebrew Bible, and their interpretation helps societies form their religious and moral beliefs. From the sacrifice of Isaac t
Mathematical Explorations follows on from the author's previous book, Creative Mathematics, in the same series, and gives the reader experience in working on problems requiring a little more mathematical maturity. The author's main aim is to show that problems are often solved by using mathematics that is not obviously connected to the problem, and readers are encouraged to consider as wide a variety of mathematical ideas as possible. In each case, the emphasis is placed on the important underlying ideas rather than on the solutions for their own sake. To enhance understanding of how mathematical research is conducted, each problem has been chosen not for its mathematical importance, but because it provides a good illustration of how arguments can be developed. While the reader does not require a deep mathematical background to tackle these problems, they will find their mathematical understanding is enriched by attempting to solve them.
This text is about the geometric theory of discrete groups and the associated tesselations of the underlying space. The theory of Mobius transformations in n-dimensional Euclidean space is developed.