Christian Editing And Design(EDI)
Herman (Indiana State University Koren Terre Haute USA),Alma Mary (Indiana State University Department of Art and Design Anderson Indiana U.S.A.)
;Kirwan, Grainne,Connolly, Irene,Barton, Hannah,Palmer, Marion (Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Dun Laoghaire, Ireland)
;Suoheimo, Mari (Oslo School Of Architecture And Design),Jones, Peter,Lee, Sheng-Hung,Sevaldson, Birger
Agorà Graphic and Design
Braddock Clarke, Sarah E. (Falmouth University, UK),Kondo, Ryoko Yamanaka (Tohoku University of Art and Design, Japan)
Brandon (Bergen Academy of Art and Design LaBelle Norway)
C. Ben (Auburn University's College of Architecture Farrow Design and Construction),Eric Wetzel (Auburn University's McWhorter School of Building Science),Thomas Leathem (Auburn University's McWhor
Eric (Visual Merchandising and Store Design Magazine Feigenbaum USA)
Gregory S. (Savannah College of Art and Design Johnson Georgia USA)
Lisa (Department of Art Grocott Design and Architecture Monash University Australia.)
Mary (Judge Widney Professor at the USC Roski School of Art and Design of the University of Southern California Kelly USA);Carson, Juli (Professor of Art, Criticism and Curation, Department of Art, UC
Michael F. (Royal Society Research Professor Emeritus Ashby University of Cambridge and Former Visiting Professor of Design at the Royal College of Art London UK)
Rebel Edit And Design(EDI)
Ryan (University of Cincinnati Ludwig School of Architecture and Interior Design USA)
Skjerven, Astrid (Professor in design theory at The Department of Product Design, Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway),Fordham, Mau
Swish Editing And Design(EDI)
Tevfik (Arkin University of Creative Arts and Design Balcioglu Cyrpus)
;Chong, Keng Hua (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)
;Prophet, Dr. Jane (Professor and Associate Dean Research & Creative Work, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design, University of Michigan),Pritchard, Dr. Helen V. (Associate Professor of Queer Feminis