Mahon (Associate Professor of History Murphy Kyoto University Japan),Professor Ran (Associate Professor of Asian Studies Zwigenberg Jewish Studies and History Pennsylvania State University USA)
Rachel (Assistant Professor of Religion and Jewish Studies and the Samuel ^D<"Bud^D>" Shorstein Fellow in American Jewish Culture and Society Gordan Assistant Professor of Religion and Jewish Studies
;Aleksiun, Natalia (Graduate School of Jewish Studies, Touro College (United States)),Guesnet, Francois,Polonsky, Antony (Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, Brandeis University (United Sta
Hezser, Catherine (Professor of Jewish Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London)
Knoppers, Gary N. (Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Jewish Studies, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean S
Mark (Distinguished Professor and Pat M Glazer Chair in Jewish Studies Roseman Indiana University Bloomington)
Mark A. (Professor of Religion and Director of Jewish Studies Leuchter Professor of Religion and Director of Jewish Studies Temple University)
Matthew D. (Institute for Islamic Taylor Christian and Jewish Studies Maryland)
N. S. Doniach (EDT)/ a Kahane (EDT)/ Ahuvia Kahane (EDT)/ Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (COR)
Salvesen, Alison G. (Professor of Early Judaism and Christianity, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, and Polonsky Fellow, Oxford Centre for Jewish Studies),Law, T. M. (Independent scholar)
Shneer, David (Louis P. Singer Chair in Jewish History and Professor of History, Jewish Studies, and Religious Studies, Louis P. Singer Chair in Jewish History and Professor of History, Jewish Studies